Meet Natalie

Natalie Koroniotis is the founder of the Holistic Health Blueprint, a brand dedicated to helping others achieve radiant health naturally. Natalie is a Holistic Nutritionist and a Certified Natural Health Practitioner. She graduated summa cum laude with a degree in Holistic Nutrition. Natalie’s approach is based around whole food nutrition, juicing, detoxification, fitness, mindset, and non-toxic living. Natalie has been a huge inspiration and guide in helping people take responsibility for their health. Transforming their mind, body, and spirit. Natalie truly believes food is medicine and the body can fully heal & rejuvenate itself with the simplest and most natural way.


Are you tired of trying numerous approaches to improve your health and well-being, only to find temporary results or no results at all?

Do you dream of losing weight, increasing your energy levels, achieving clear skin, preventing diseases, and attaining radiant health naturally?

Look no further! HHB (Holistic Health Blueprint) is here to guide you on a transformative journey towards a healthier and happier you.

HHB is a 4 week comprehensive online course designed for individuals like you who are ready to take charge of their health and make a lasting change. No matter your age, fitness level, or previous experiences, HHB empowers you to achieve your wellness goals through self-guided learning.

In HHB, we believe that true health is a result of harmony between mind, body, and spirit. That is why this course covers a wide range of topics that are essential to your holistic well-being. From nutrition to mindset, fitness to lifestyle, HHB provides you with the knowledge and tools to create a balanced and fulfilling life

Once you start living by the principles taught inside of HHB, you will...

Lose Weight, Sleep Better, Balance Hormones, Clear Skin, Prepare and Enjoy Easy Meals, End Cravings, Gain Energy, and Feel Confident

What is inside HHB?

Whole Body Nourishment

In this module you will learn how to nourish your body with wholesome, nutrient-dense foods that promote weight loss, boost energy levels, and support overall vitality. Discover the power of living foods, understand proper portion sizes, and uncover the secrets to healthy eating habits.

Mindset Rewiring

In this module you will develop a positive goal striving mindset and overcome mental barriers that have hindered your progress in the past. Discover effective techniques to cultivate self-love, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being.

Moving to Thrive

In this module you will find the exercise routines and movements that work best for your body and goals. Whether you are a beginner or have experience, HHB provides you with an example workout plan, tips on how to properly exercise for long term results, and guidance to incorporate exercise seamlessly into your daily routine.

Living with Purpose

In this module we will dive into the habits and lifestyle choices that contribute to long-term health and vitality. From optimizing sleep patterns, creating a self-care routine, to clearing your skin, HHB equips you with practical strategies to enhance your quality of life. We will also touch on your spiritual health. You will grow an understanding that you are part of something much bigger than yourself.

Additional resources and Downloadable Guides

In addition to the comprehensive content, HHB offers you exclusive resources to support your transformation. Such as a Weekly Meal Plan, Workout Plan, Meal Guide, Supplement Guide, a guide on How to Balance Blood Sugar, Brain Boosters, and more!

1:1 Support

As part of your enrollment in HHB, you will have exclusive access to unlimited email support. If you have any questions, need clarification on course content, or require additional assistance, simply reach out via email, and Natalie will provide the support you need throughout your health journey.

Overall, you will benefit from the following:

  • Flexible and independent learning experience
  • Comprehensive curriculum consisting of video modules designed to transform your overall health
  • 4 Week easy to follow meal plan
  • Gain knowledge on nourishing your body through nutrient-rich foods
  • Obtain a meal guide featuring nutritious recipes
  • Access a workout plan to support your physical well-being
  • Develop a positive mindset and conquer mental obstacles
  • Explore habits and lifestyle decisions that contribute to long-lasting health and energy
  • Unlimited email support with Natalie
  • Learn at your own convenience without rigid timelines or due dates


It is time to let go of the weight of past failures and frustrations. I have been through similar challenges, which is why I have created a program that is incredibly easy to follow. You can rest assured that I have taken care of everything you need to succeed, including engaging video lessons, downloadable digital guides that can be read or printed, and comprehensive support materials like a full meal guide with simple and delicious recipes, as well as workouts suitable for all fitness levels.

If you ever have any questions, I will be right there to provide answers and support. This program truly covers everything you need to break free from the diet funk and achieve success.

Believe me when I tell you that you have an inner strength that surpasses your own perception. But I understand the desire for guidance to take that superpower to the next level. You just need someone to show you what really works.
Luckily, you have come to the perfect place for that.


Is the course a one-time payment or a membership fee?

With HHB, you will enjoy lifetime access to the course upon a one-time payment, without any recurring membership fees. We believe in providing exceptional value, which is why you will receive automatic updates whenever new materials are added at no additional cost. 

How long will it take me to go through the course?

HHB is a 4-week, self-guided course, placing the responsibility on you to navigate through the material. The design of HHB allows you the flexibility to revisit and engage with the content at your convenience.

When will I start to see results?

Most people typically experience significant changes within the initial 2-4 weeks of engaging with the program. It is important to keep in mind that the results you achieve are dependent on factors such as your unique body, specific symptoms, and how closely you adhere to the plan. Each person's journey is distinct, and the extent of progress may vary accordingly.

Will this course heal _____?

Please note that this course does not make any assertions to diagnose, treat, or cure specific health issues. Instead, the principles presented within this course serve as the fundamental elements for cultivating a lifestyle that promotes overall well-being and vitality. It is important to emphasize that none of the information provided in this course should be considered as medical advice. The content offered is intended to provide guidance and knowledge for creating a solid foundation of wellness through lifestyle choices, nutrition, and physical activity.

Do you offer 1:1 coaching?

This course was developed as a replacement and rejuvenation of my previous 1:1 coaching model. Due to the overwhelming demand of client requests, I found it challenging to continue offering individual coaching. However, I am pleased to be readily available to offer email support as you progress through the program. 

Do you offer refunds?

Given the nature of the service provided, this course follows a non-refundable policy. Once the course has been purchased and the downloads have been accessed, it becomes permanently available to you. We kindly request that you only proceed with the purchase if you are wholeheartedly committed to it. We encourage you to take full responsibility for your decisions and choices in life, ensuring that your purchase aligns with a resounding "yes" from within.